The Mind: and how to harness it

This presentation includes:

What is the mind?
What we know about the mind: the scientific evidence.
Some of what we know about the brain and its functions.
A brief discussion of “Self-Directed Neuroplasticity.”
How we can harness our mind. 
How to use your mind to change your brain.
The great benefits of a trained mind.

Relevant points of the presentation:

We are our mind. The mind is our most precious asset, our most important possession. As human beings we are our mind: unconsciously, we are literally the sum total of our belief systems. Consciously, we are the sum total of all of the experiences gathered by the mind of all living beings.

Harnessing the mind. It is indisputable that without a modicum of mind-control, conscious choice becomes a great challenge. “The only way to personal freedom, love, and joy is through the mind. We must ultimately face our own thought processes. To change our life, any part of our life, we must first change our mind.”


“In a little over two centuries we have manage to make great and ominous scientific advances and yet our study and knowledge of the mind remains in the rear. The average person has no idea of what the mind is, how it works, and how to harness it and use it appropriately.”

“The world crisis is not social, economical, religious, or political. It is a crisis of consciousness. It is time for us to learn how to harness our mind and be consciously aware. Our inability to control our minds hinders us in the attainment of individual happiness, love and peace, and in the collective harmony.”

The mind is thus the next frontier.

“It is inevitable that scientists soon discover that the mind is an entity outside, and beyond, the brain; that it survives physical death; that it can tap into other dimensions; and is responsible for the creation of all reality. This will open an entirely new field of study, yet to be discovered, that will change the world.”

“We call this next step in our evolution, „The Age of Mind.“ And anticipate it by offering ample fundamental and practical information to equip the participant with the necessary tools to start and continue the process of harnessing their mind, adding to the collective consciousness, and fostering human growth and evolution.“