The Most Important Things We are Not Taught

The Most Important Things We are Not Taught.

This presentation includes:

Some of the most important things we never learn in our school system or at home.
Namely: Happiness, Love, The Mind, Relationships, Parenting, and How to Find and Do What You Really Want to Do.
Why they are not taught.
Why they should be taught.
Why these things are the most important things.

Relevant points of the presentation:

Eventually, we all get to ponder what are the most important things in life. A few of us do it when we are satisfied in our lives. Some of us do it because we are curious. But most of us do it when we are on our knees suffering the result of our misguided intent. Then, we might contemplate what for us are the most important things in life.

List of the most important things.

Happiness is the most important of the most important things in life! It is the highest aim. Happiness is the one reason why we do everything thing we do. The attainment of happiness is derived from self-truth, living a meaningful life with thought and purpose, and doing what you really want to do.

Once we feel it, once we understand it, cannot be curtailed or limited in any way. It is like sunlight, which shines indiscriminately on everyone alike. The sun sees no shadows, neither does love see fault, and neither do we when we are flowing in love.

The Mind:
We have made great and ominous scientific advances and yet our knowledge and study of the mind remains in the rear. It is evident and undeniable that man’s greatest challenge, and ultimately his greatest achievement, is to know and harness his mind.

One look at the disparities in our world and we can immediately reason that the single most important social issue is relationships. It is very clear that if we just knew how to get along with others, how to communicate with others, and how to respect other’s opinions, the great majority of the conflicts in the world would instantly end.

Parenting is perhaps the most controversial and ignored of the items in the list. The worldwide assumption when we participate in a relationship is that we know how to be in it, as parents, siblings, partners, spouses, and citizens, but the truth is that we don’t.

How to Find and Do the One Thing You Really Want to Do:
One sure and infallible way to success in life is to do what you really love to do. Finding this one thing is extremely important for a fulfilling and happy life.

Note: Each one of these most important things can be expanded into a single presentation.