questions & answers

Attached please find some Questions from students and the answers of Mr. Freeman:

3-Question: Why is it harder to change our mind when we are gripped by a strong emotion?

A: Emotional programs are strong and deep rooted. When we are distressed by what we think about a particular situation, we fire a ‘hard wired’ sequences of neural networks in our brain. Once it is fired it is more difficult to reverse it than a simple thought.

Think of it as a train with 100 wagons attached to it versus one with just one wagon. The bigger train will be harder to stop, or turn, and if it crashes, it will cause more damage.

Also, once you are in the emotional ‘storm,’ your body is flooded with chemicals that make it harder to overcome. It is like being drunk. Once you are drunk, it takes a much bigger effort to focus your mind out of the effects of the drug. The chemicals produced by our body are hundreds of times stronger than any drug. Compare the few micrograms of melatonin produced by the pineal gland every night, to the usual 10 milligrams of the best sleeping pill in the market, and you will get a comparison.  So, the best idea is to choose not to be gripped by emotion by focusing our mind on a different state of mind.

6-Question: Why is it sometimes hard to focus on what feels good?

 Because you have practiced focusing on what feels bad for a long time and it appears to be easier by routine. It is like changing any habit. Take smoking, for example. At the beginning it seems very hard to do. The are a series of rituals and practiced behaviors that accompany the act. All together it represents a large neuron network program, but once we implement the change and stick to it, we find it easier and easier to overcome.

10-Question: If all this is true, why doesn’t everyone know it? 

A: Over 95% of the world is unconscious over 85% of the time. It is safe to say this is an overall statistic in all areas of achievement in all fields, whether economical or spiritual. Less than five percent consistently achieve results. This reflects our level of awareness. Most people are not aware of their surroundings, let alone the spiritual path.

11-Question: If we create our reality, what is real?

A: There is no object dependent reality.

Whatever we believe it is.

13-Question: If this is an illusion, what prevents us from doing whatever we want?

Nothing prevents us from doing anything we want to do, except ourselves. Any belief system that limits us, such as religion, can keep us from expressing ourselves fully. There are no rules in life other than the law of causality. The law of attraction. Whatever we are we attract to us.

14-Question: Why should I spend my time studying the mind?

 A: The Bhagavad Gita says:  „For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest enemy.“ Your mind is your most precious asset, your most important possession. As a human being, you are your mind. If your mind is not under your control, you are not under your control. And if you are not under your control, then who is?


21-Question: Why do I get things I don’t want?

A: We don’t always get what we want, but we always get what we are: what we are being and projecting outward as our vibrational frequency.

The most common example is being afraid of something. We are saying no to an experience, because we are afraid and the more we say it the more it comes, because when fear something, we are projecting the feeling of lack.

Whatever you focus you attention on, you manifest.
Whatever your intent, you feeling manifests.
Whatever you constantly think becomes your reality.